
The Han Scoble Memorial Scholarship Award (HSMSA)

Dr. Han Ook Scoble was a beloved member of the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics who had a long, distinguished career in prosthodontics, both in private practice and education. Among his many accomplishments, he served as the director of the prosthodontics graduate program at the University of Southern California for several years, before returning to private practice. 

Dr. Scoble passed away in 2023, and as a tribute to his exceptional clinical and laboratory skills, a memorial scholarship award was created by his friends and colleagues to honor him. 

Protocols for Scholarship Submission

UW School of Dentistry

David H. Wands Fellows in Graduate Prosthodontics

David H. Wands

Dr. Wands, Life Member of the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics, was a UW School of Dentistry faculty member in the Department of Prosthodontics for 22 years.  He established the fellowship in 1999 with a $500,000 endowment to support UW Graduate Prosthodontics students and also encourage careers in academic dentistry.

The Wands Fellowship in Prosthodontics provides financial assistance to a graduate student enrolled in the UW program leading to a Certificate in Prosthodontics and an/or a MSD Degree who is also considering an academic career in dentistry.

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