
The Han Scoble Memorial Scholarship Award (HSMSA)

scobleDr. Han Ook Scoble was a beloved member of the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics who had a long, distinguished career in prosthodontics, both in private practice and education. Among his many accomplishments, he served as the director of the prosthodontics graduate program at the University of Southern California for several years, before returning to private practice. He was widely known for his exceptional clinical and laboratory skills, with a sharp, critical eye for detail. He was also a very kind and warm individual, who treated all his patients with respect, while delivering the highest quality of prosthodontic care.

Here is a link to his remembrance on the PCSP website, written by his close friend, Dr. Shane White. Han Ook Scoble (

Protocols for Submission

A $2000 Annual Award is given by the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics Foundation (PCSPF) to honor the exceptional clinical work that was Dr. Han Scoble’s legacy. Its intention is to annually select a prosthodontic resident, in an accredited advanced prosthodontic education program in the PCSP region, who has completed a full mouth reconstruction with excellent clinical technique and results, that is fully documented with photographic images and a written chronology.

The requirements for submission are as follows:

  1. A PowerPoint presentation documenting the reconstruction case from start to finish.
  2. A written treatment summary.

    The PowerPoint presentation and written treatment summary can be uploaded to Dropbox and the link sent to Dr. Steven Sadowsky at . The deadline for the submission is June 8. The winning recipient will be announced at the PCSP Annual Meeting, but the winner does not have to attend. A one-minute acceptance video will be requested to be played at the plenary session.