UW School of Dentistry

David H. Wands Fellowship in Graduate Prosthodontics

David H. Wands

Dr. Wands, Life Member of the Pacific Coast Society for Prosthodontics, was a UW School of Dentistry faculty member in the Department of Prosthodontics for 22 years.  He established the fellowship in 1999 with a $500,000 endowment to support UW Graduate Prosthodontics students and also encourage careers in academic dentistry.

Dr. Wands graduated with honors from Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, University of Maryland, and served for seven years with the U.S. Public Health Service. He returned to the University of Washington as a part-time faculty member shortly thereafter and taught both undergraduate and graduate Prosthodontics for 20 years, achieving the rank of Clinical Professor.

In addition to endowing the fellowship, Dr. Wands is a member of the UW School of Dentistry Dean?s Club Board of Directors and was instrumental in forming the UW Graduate Prosthodontic Alumni Association. He is also a Life Member of the Academy of Prosthodontics.

Outlining his reasons for establishing the fellowship, Dr. Wands said: "If we don't have teachers in the dental school, then we don't have graduates. It's that simple." Now retired from private practice in Olympia, Wash., he is an avid saltwater and freshwater fisherman as well as a master gardener.

The Wands Fellowship in Prosthodontics provides financial assistance to a graduate student enrolled in the UW program leading to a Certificate in Prosthodontics and an/or a MSD Degree who is also considering an academic career in dentistry.

For more information or an application for the Wands Prosthodontic Fellowship please contact:
Doug Day, Associate Director of Advancement, UW School of Dentistry
Telephone (206) 543-6017

Wands Fellowship Winners